Welcome to Mount Fuji!
Welcome to the Mount Fuji Engine. Thanks for stopping by!
Mount Fuji is a cross platform game engine which primarily aims to offer efficient and simple game technology, with a focus on commercial-grade portability not usually found in open-source game engines.
The authors are home-brew enthusiasts, and enjoy supporting the platforms offered by various home-brew console development communities.
The Mount Fuji Engine API is very carefully designed to support convenient and efficient backwards compatibility with nostalgic and retro platforms, while not compromising on the features set expected for modern hardware.
Get Fuji
The Mount Fuji Engine is available on GitHub.
Binary packages for Windows and home-brew console platforms are coming soon, and we are currently looking into a build server to maintain packages for popular systems like Debian.
The Mount Fuji Engine documentation can be found here: http://fujiengine.org/docs/
Support or Contact
Having trouble? I'd like to help. You can contact me (@turkeyman on GitHub) and I'll see what I can do!