Mount Fuji Engine  0.8b
Data Structures | Enumerations | Functions
Auxillary Display Interface

Data Structures

struct  MFAuxDisplayProperties
 Auxillary display properties. More...


enum  MFAuxDisplayTypes {
  MFAuxType_Unknown = -1, MFAuxType_G15 = 0, MFAuxType_DreamcastVMU, MFAuxType_Max,
  MFAuxType_ForceInt = 0x7FFFFFFF
 Auxillary display type. More...
enum  MFAuxPriority {
  MFAuxPriority_High = 2, MFAuxPriority_Normal = 5, MFAuxPriority_Low = 8, MFAuxPriority_Max,
  MFAuxPriority_ForceInt = 0x7FFFFFFF
 Auxillary display priority. More...


MF_API void MFAuxDisplay_Init (const char *pAppName)
 Initislise the auxillary display module. More...
MF_API void MFAuxDisplay_Deinit ()
 De-initislise the auxillary display module. More...
MF_API void MFAuxDisplay_Update ()
 Update the auxillary display module. More...
MF_API int MFAuxDisplay_GetNumberOfDisplays ()
 Get the number of auxillary display devices. More...
MF_API void MFAuxDisplay_GetDisplayProperties (int device, MFAuxDisplayProperties *pProperties)
 Get the device properties for the specified auxillary display device. More...
MF_API void MFAuxDisplay_LockScreen (int device, bool lock)
 Lock the focus of the auxillary display. More...
MF_API void MFAuxDisplay_UploadImage (int device, const char *pImageBuffer, int priorioty)
 Upload an image to the auxillary display device. More...
MF_API int MFAuxDisplay_ReadButton (int device, int button)
 Read the button state of an auxillary display device key. More...
MF_API bool MFAuxDisplay_WasPressed (int device, int button)
 Read the button pressed state from the auxillary display device. More...
MF_API bool MFAuxDisplay_WasReleased (int device, int button)
 Read the button released state from the auxillary display device. More...

Detailed Description