Mount Fuji Engine  0.8b
Math Functions


int MFHexToInt (const char *pString)
 Convert a string containing a hexadecimal number to an int. More...
float MFSin (float angle)
 Calculates the sine of an angle. More...
float MFCos (float angle)
 Calculates the cosine of an angle. More...
float MFTan (float angle)
 Calculates the tangent of an angle. More...
float MFASin (float angle)
 Calculates the arc-sine of an angle. More...
float MFACos (float angle)
 Calculates the arc-cosine of an angle. More...
float MFATan (float angle)
 Calculates the arc-tangent of an angle. More...
float MFRcp (float x)
 Calculates the reciprocal of a value. More...
float MFSqrt (float x)
 Calculates the square root of a value. More...
float MFRSqrt (float x)
 Calculates the reciprocal square root of a value. More...
float MFRSqrtE (float x)
 Very fast reciprocal square root estimate of a value. More...
float MFPow (float x, float y)
 Raises a value to an arbitrary power. More...
float MFCeil (float x)
 Returns the next integer greater than or equal to x. More...
float MFFloor (float x)
 Returns the next integer less than or equal to x. More...
template<typename T >
MFAbs (T x)
 Calculates the absolute of a value. More...
template<typename T >
MFMin (T a, T b)
 Returns the minimum of a and b. More...
template<typename T >
MFMax (T a, T b)
 Returns the maximum of a and b. More...
template<typename T >
MFClamp (T x, T y, T z)
 Clamps values such that: x <= y <= z. More...
MF_API void MFRand_Seed (uint32 seed)
 Seed the random number generator. More...
MF_API uint32 MFRand ()
 Get a pseudo-random number. More...
float MFRand_Unit ()
 Get a pseudo-random number between 0.0f and 1.0f. More...
double MFRand_Double ()
 Get a pseudo-random double precision number between 0.0f and 1.0f. More...
float MFRand_Range (float min, float max)
 Get a pseudo-random number within a specified range. More...

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