Mount Fuji Engine  0.8b
Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Thread Management


typedef MFThreadInfo * MFThread
 Represents a Fuji Thread. More...
typedef void * MFMutex
 Represents a Fuji Mutex. More...
typedef void * MFSemaphore
 Represents a Fuji Semaphore. More...
typedef void * MFTls
 Represents a Fuji thread local store slot. More...
typedef int(* MFThreadEntryPoint )(void *)
 Thread entry point function. More...


enum  MFThreadPriority {
  MFPriority_Maximum = 10, MFPriority_AboveNormal = 6, MFPriority_Normal = 5, MFPriority_BelowNormal = 4,
  MFPriority_Low = 2, MFPriority_Idle = 0, MFPriority_ForceInt = 0x7FFFFFFF
 Thread priority. More...
enum  MFThreadFlags { MFTF_Joinable = 1, MFTF_ForceInt = 0x7FFFFFFF }
 Thread flags. More...


MF_API MFThread MFThread_CreateThread (const char *pName, MFThreadEntryPoint pEntryPoint, void *pUserData, int priority=MFPriority_Normal, uint32 flags=0, uint32 stackSize=0)
 Create and start a new thread. More...
MF_API void MFThread_ExitThread (int exitCode)
 Exit from the current thread. More...
MF_API void MFThread_TerminateThread (MFThread thread)
 Terminate a thread. More...
MF_API int MFThread_GetExitCode (MFThread thread)
 Get a threads exit code. More...
MF_API void MFThread_DestroyThread (MFThread thread)
 Destroy a thread. More...
MF_API void MFThread_Join (MFThread thread)
 Join threads. More...
MF_API MFMutex MFThread_CreateMutex (const char *pName)
 Create a mutex object. More...
MF_API void MFThread_DestroyMutex (MFMutex mutex)
 Destroy a mutex object. More...
MF_API void MFThread_LockMutex (MFMutex mutex)
 Lock a mutex object. More...
MF_API void MFThread_ReleaseMutex (MFMutex mutex)
 Release a mutex object. More...
MF_API MFSemaphore MFThread_CreateSemaphore (const char *pName, int maxCount, int startCount)
 Create a semaphore object. More...
MF_API void MFThread_DestroySemaphore (MFSemaphore semaphore)
 Destroy a semaphore object. More...
MF_API uint32 MFThread_WaitSemaphore (MFSemaphore semaphore)
 Wait on a semaphore object. More...
MF_API void MFThread_SignalSemaphore (MFSemaphore semaphore)
 Signal a semaphore object. More...
MF_API MFTls MFThread_TlsAlloc ()
 Allocate a TLS slot. More...
MF_API void MFThread_TlsFree (MFTls tls)
 Free a TLS slot. More...
MF_API void * MFThread_GetTls (MFTls tls)
 Get the value from a TLS. More...
MF_API void * MFThread_SetTls (MFTls tls, void *pValue)
 Set the value of a tls. More...

Detailed Description