MF_API void * | MFCopyMemory (void *pDest, const void *pSrc, size_t size) |
| Copy memory. More...
MF_API void * | MFZeroMemory (void *pDest, size_t size) |
| Zero memory. More...
MF_API void * | MFMemSet (void *pDest, int value, size_t size) |
| Initialise memory. More...
MF_API int | MFMemCompare (const void *pBuf1, const void *pBuf2, size_t size) |
| Compare memory. More...
size_t | MFString_Length (const char *pString) |
| Get the length of a string. More...
size_t | MFString_LengthN (const char *pString, size_t maxChars) |
| Get the length of a string clamping to a given maximum. More...
char * | MFString_Copy (char *pBuffer, const char *pString) |
| Copy a string. More...
char * | MFString_CopyN (char *pBuffer, const char *pString, size_t maxChars) |
| Copy a string with a maximum number of characters. More...
char * | MFString_CopyUntil (char *pBuffer, const char *pString, int terminator) |
| Copy a string with custom terminator. More...
char * | MFString_Cat (char *pBuffer, const char *pString) |
| Concatinate a string. More...
char * | MFString_CopyCat (char *pBuffer, const char *pString, const char *pString2) |
| Concatinate 2 strings into a target buffer. More...
MF_API char * | MFString_Dup (const char *pString) |
| Duplicate a string. More...
MF_API const char * | MFString_ToLower (const char *pString) |
| Convert a string to lower case. More...
MF_API const char * | MFString_ToUpper (const char *pString) |
| Convert a string to upper case. More...
MF_API int | MFString_Compare (const char *pString1, const char *pString2) |
| Compares 2 strings. More...
MF_API int | MFString_CompareN (const char *pString1, const char *pString2, size_t n) |
| Compares 2 strings with a maximum character limit. More...
MF_API int | MFString_CaseCmp (const char *pString1, const char *pString2) |
| Compares 2 strings with case insensitivity. More...
MF_API int | MFString_CaseCmpN (const char *pString1, const char *pString2, size_t n) |
| Compares 2 strings with case insensitivity and a maximum character limit. More...
char * | MFString_Chr (const char *pString, int c) |
| Searches through a string for the specified character. More...
char * | MFString_RChr (const char *pString, int c) |
| Searches backwards through a string for the specified character. More...
char * | MFString_GetFileExtension (const char *pFilename) |
| Get file extension from filename. More...
const char * | MFStr_GetFileName (const char *pFilename) |
| Get the filename from a path. More...
const char * | MFStr_GetFileNameWithoutExtension (const char *pFilename) |
| Get the filename without its extension from a path. More...
const char * | MFStr_GetFilePath (const char *pFilename) |
| Get the file path from a path string. More...
const char * | MFStr_TruncateExtension (const char *pFilename) |
| Truncate the file extension. More...
MF_API bool | MFString_PatternMatch (const char *pPattern, const char *pFilename, const char **ppMatchDirectory=NULL, bool bCaseSensitive=false) |
| String pattern match. More...
MF_API const char * | MFStr_URLEncodeString (const char *pString, const char *pExcludeChars=NULL) |
| URL encode a string. More...
MF_API size_t | MFString_URLEncode (char *pDest, const char *pString, const char *pExcludeChars=NULL) |
| URL encode a string. More...
MF_API const char * | MFStr (const char *format,...) MFPRINTF_FUNC(1 |
| Get a formatted a string. More...
MF_API const char MF_API const
char * | MFStrN (const char *source, size_t n) |
| Copy a specified number of characters from one string into a new string. More...
MF_API bool | MFString_IsNumber (const char *pString, bool bAllowHex=true) |
| Test if a string is a number. More...
MF_API int | MFString_AsciiToInteger (const char *pString, bool bDetectBase=true, int base=10, const char **ppNextChar=NULL) |
| Parse an integer from a string. More...
MF_API float | MFString_AsciiToFloat (const char *pString, const char **ppNextChar=NULL) |
| Parse a float from a string. More...
bool | MFIsWhite (int c) |
| Test if the specified character is a while space character.
bool | MFIsAlpha (int c) |
| Test if the specified character is an alphabetic character.
bool | MFIsNumeric (int c) |
| Test if the specified character is a numeric character.
bool | MFIsAlphaNumeric (int c) |
| Test if the specified character is an alphabetic or numeric character.
bool | MFIsHex (int c) |
| Test if the specified character is a hexadecimal character.
bool | MFIsNewline (int c) |
| Test if the specified character is a newline character.
bool | MFIsLower (int c) |
| Test if a character is a lower case alphabetic character.
bool | MFIsUpper (int c) |
| Test if a character is an upper case alphabetic character.
int | MFToLower (int c) |
| Converts a character to lower case.
int | MFToUpper (int c) |
| Converts a character to lower case.
char * | MFSeekDelimiter (char *pC, const char *pDelimiters=" \t\r\n") |
| Returns a pointer to the first instance of a specified delimeter.
const char * | MFSeekDelimiter (const char *pC, const char *pDelimiters=" \t\r\n") |
| Returns a pointer to the first instance of a specified delimeter.
char * | MFSeekNewline (char *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the start of the next line in the provided string.
const char * | MFSeekNewline (const char *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the start of the next line in the provided string.
char * | MFSeekNextWord (char *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the start of the next word.
const char * | MFSeekNextWord (const char *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the start of the next word.
char * | MFSkipDelimiters (char *pC, const char *pDelimiters=" \t\r\n") |
| Returns a pointer to the next non-white space character in the provided string.
const char * | MFSkipDelimiters (const char *pC, const char *pDelimiters=" \t\r\n") |
| Returns a pointer to the next non-white space character in the provided string.
char * | MFSkipWhite (char *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the next non-white space character in the provided string.
const char * | MFSkipWhite (const char *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the next non-white space character in the provided string.
int | MFString_GetNumChars (const char *pString) |
| Get the number of actual characters in a string. More...
size_t | MFString_GetCharacterOffset (const char *pString, int character) |
| Get the character offset from the start of a string. More...
int | MFString_EncodeUTF8 (int c, char *pMBChar) |
| Encode a unicode character to a UTF-8 sequence. More...
int | MFString_DecodeUTF8 (const char *pMBChar, int *pNumBytes) |
| Decode a UTF-8 sequence. More...
char * | MFString_NextChar (const char *pChar) |
| Move to the next character in a UTF-8 encoded string. More...
char * | MFString_PrevChar (const char *pChar) |
| Move to the previous character in a UTF-8 encoded string. More...
MF_API size_t | MFWString_CopyUTF8ToUTF16 (wchar_t *pBuffer, const char *pString) |
| Copy a UTF-8 string to a UTF-16 string. More...
MF_API wchar_t * | MFString_UFT8AsWChar (const char *pUTF8String, size_t *pNumChars=NULL) |
| Convert a UTF-8 string to a temporary UTF-16 string. More...
MF_API size_t | MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8 (char *pBuffer, const wchar_t *pString) |
| Convert a UTF16 string to a UTF8 string. More...
size_t | MFWString_Length (const wchar_t *pString) |
| Get the length of a unicode string. More...
wchar_t * | MFWString_Copy (wchar_t *pBuffer, const wchar_t *pString) |
| Copy a unicode string. More...
wchar_t * | MFWString_CopyN (wchar_t *pBuffer, const wchar_t *pString, size_t maxChars) |
| Copy a unicode string with a maximum number of characters. More...
wchar_t * | MFWString_Cat (wchar_t *pBuffer, const wchar_t *pString) |
| Concatinate a unicode string. More...
wchar_t * | MFWString_CopyCat (wchar_t *pBuffer, const wchar_t *pString, const wchar_t *pString2) |
| Concatinate 2 unicode strings into a target buffer. More...
int | MFWString_Compare (const wchar_t *pString1, const wchar_t *pString2) |
| Compares 2 unicode strings. More...
int | MFWString_CaseCmp (const wchar_t *pString1, const wchar_t *pString2) |
| Compares 2 unicode strings with case insensitivity. More...
wchar_t * | MFSeekDelimiterW (wchar_t *pC, const wchar_t *pDelimiters=L" \t\r\n") |
| Returns a pointer to the first instance of a specified delimeter.
const wchar_t * | MFSeekDelimiterW (const wchar_t *pC, const wchar_t *pDelimiters=L" \t\r\n") |
| Returns a pointer to the first instance of a specified delimeter.
wchar_t * | MFSeekNewlineW (wchar_t *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the start of the next line in the provided string.
const wchar_t * | MFSeekNewlineW (const wchar_t *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the start of the next line in the provided string.
wchar_t * | MFSeekNextWordW (wchar_t *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the start of the next word.
const wchar_t * | MFSeekNextWordW (const wchar_t *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the start of the next word.
wchar_t * | MFSkipWhiteW (wchar_t *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the next non-white space character in the provided string.
const wchar_t * | MFSkipWhiteW (const wchar_t *pC) |
| Returns a pointer to the next non-white space character in the provided string.
MFString | operator+ (const char *pString, const MFString &string) |
| Concatinate operator.
MF_API MFString | MFString_GetStats () |
| Generate a string describing the state of the string heap. More...
MF_API void | MFString_Dump () |
| Dump the state of the string heap. More...