Supported scaling algorithms.
Enumerator |
SA_Unknown |
Unknown algorithm.
SA_None |
No scaling.
SA_Nearest |
Nearest filtering: any size.
SA_Bilinear |
Bilinear filtering: any size.
SA_Box |
Box filtering: 1/2x (common for mip generation)
'High Quality nX' algorithm: 2x, 3x, 4x
'Advance MAME' algorithm: 2x, 3x, 4x
SA_Eagle |
'Eagle' algorithm: 2x
SA_SuperEagle |
'Super Eagle' algorithm: 2x
SA_2xSaI |
'2x Scale and Interpolate' algorithm: 2x
SA_Super2xSaI |
'Super 2x Scale and Interpolate' algorithm: 2x
SA_Max |
Maximum scaling algorithm.
SA_ForceInt |
Force MFScalingAlgorithm to an int type.