Enumerator |
ImgFmt_Unknown |
Unknown image format.
ImgFmt_A8R8G8B8 |
32bit BGRA format
ImgFmt_A8B8G8R8 |
32bit RGBA format
ImgFmt_B8G8R8A8 |
32bit ARGB format
ImgFmt_R8G8B8A8 |
32bit ABGR format
ImgFmt_R8G8B8 |
24bit BGR format
ImgFmt_B8G8R8 |
24bit RGB format
ImgFmt_A2R10G10B10 |
32bit BGRA format with 10 bits per colour channel
ImgFmt_A2B10G10R10 |
32bit RGBA format with 10 bits per colour channel
ImgFmt_A16B16G16R16 |
64bit RGBA format with 16 bits per colour channel
ImgFmt_R5G6B5 |
16bit BGR format with no alpha
ImgFmt_R6G5B5 |
16bit BGR format with no alpha and 6 bits for red
ImgFmt_B5G6R5 |
16bit RGB format with no alpha
ImgFmt_A1R5G5B5 |
16bit BGRA format with 1 bit alpha
ImgFmt_R5G5B5A1 |
16bit ABGR format with 1 bit alpha
ImgFmt_A1B5G5R5 |
16bit RGBA format with 1 bit alpha
ImgFmt_A4R4G4B4 |
16bit BGRA format with 4 bits per colour channel
ImgFmt_A4B4G4R4 |
16bit RGBA format with 4 bits per colour channel
ImgFmt_R4G4B4A4 |
16bit ABGR format with 4 bits per colour channel
ImgFmt_ABGR_F16 |
64bit RGBA floating point format - 16bit floats are described as follows, sign1-exp5-mantissa10 - seeeeemmmmmmmmmm
ImgFmt_ABGR_F32 |
128bit RGBA floating point format
ImgFmt_R11G11B10_F |
32bit RGB floating point format - each component has 5bit exponent, no sign
ImgFmt_R9G9B9_E5 |
32bit RGB floating point format with shared exponent, no sign
ImgFmt_I8 |
8bit paletted format
ImgFmt_I4 |
4bit paletted format
ImgFmt_D16 |
16bit depth format
ImgFmt_D15S1 |
15bit depth format with 1bit stencil
ImgFmt_D24X8 |
24bit depth format
ImgFmt_D24S8 |
24bit depth format with 8bit stencil
ImgFmt_D24FS8 |
24bit floating point depth format with 8bit stencil
ImgFmt_D32 |
32bit depth format
ImgFmt_D32F |
32bit floating point depth format
ImgFmt_D32FS8X24 |
32bit floating point depth format with 8bit stencil
ImgFmt_DXT1 |
Compressed DXT1 image.
ImgFmt_DXT2 |
Compressed DXT2 image.
ImgFmt_DXT3 |
Compressed DXT3 image.
ImgFmt_DXT4 |
Compressed DXT4 image.
ImgFmt_DXT5 |
Compressed DXT5 image.
ImgFmt_PSP_DXT1 |
Special DXT1 for PSP.
ImgFmt_PSP_DXT3 |
Special DXT3 for PSP.
ImgFmt_PSP_DXT5 |
Special DXT5 for PSP.
ImgFmt_XB_A8R8G8B8s |
32bit BGRA format, swizzled for XBox
ImgFmt_XB_A8B8G8R8s |
32bit RGBA format, swizzled for XBox
ImgFmt_XB_B8G8R8A8s |
32bit ARGB format, swizzled for XBox
ImgFmt_XB_R8G8B8A8s |
32bit ABGR format, swizzled for XBox
ImgFmt_XB_R5G6B5s |
16bit BGR format, swizzled for XBox
ImgFmt_XB_R6G5B5s |
16bit BGR format, swizzled for XBox
ImgFmt_XB_A1R5G5B5s |
16bit BGRA format, swizzled for XBox
ImgFmt_XB_R5G5B5A1s |
16bit ABGR format, swizzled for XBox
ImgFmt_XB_A4R4G4B4s |
16bit BGRA format, swizzled for XBox
ImgFmt_XB_R4G4B4A4s |
16bit ABGR format, swizzled for XBox
ImgFmt_PSP_A8B8G8R8s |
32bit RGBA format, swizzled for PSP
ImgFmt_PSP_B5G6R5s |
16bit RGB format, swizzled for PSP
ImgFmt_PSP_A1B5G5R5s |
16bit RGBA format, swizzled for PSP
ImgFmt_PSP_A4B4G4R4s |
16bit RGBA format, swizzled for PSP
ImgFmt_PSP_I8s |
8bit paletted format, swizzled for PSP
ImgFmt_PSP_I4s |
4bit paletted format, swizzled for PSP
ImgFmt_PSP_DXT1s |
DXT1, swizzled for PSP.
ImgFmt_PSP_DXT3s |
DXT3, swizzled for PSP.
ImgFmt_PSP_DXT5s |
DXT5, swizzled for PSP.
ImgFmt_Max |
Max image format.
ImgFmt_SelectDefault |
Select the default format.
It will be a format that performs well without sacrificing quality, and contains alpha.
ImgFmt_SelectNicest |
Select the nicest format.
ImgFmt_SelectFastest |
Select the fastest format.
ImgFmt_SelectHDR |
Select a HDR format.
ImgFmt_SelectNoAlpha |
Select a format with no alpha.
ImgFmt_Select1BitAlpha |
Select a format optimised for 1-bit alpha.
ImgFmt_SelectRenderTarget |
Select a format that can be used as a render target.
ImgFmt_SelectDepth |
Select a format that can be used as a depth target.
ImgFmt_SelectDepthStencil |
Select a format that can be used as a depth and stencil target.
ImgFmt_ForceInt |
Force image format to int type.